Connect Grow Serve

It's time to jump back into life together


I'm New!

Fill out a connection card to get plugged into our community

Meet The Family

A casual gathering to get to know Oceanhills and take a next step into community.

2024 Events

Deepen your relationship with God and others through our all church events!

Find Community


Experience growth through community by getting plugged in to one of our lifegroups


Get your kids and students plugged in to our Oceanhills community


Find a home at our church and encounter God through the work of our different ministries.



We believe baptism is an important step in your faith journey as you step further into community and desire to follow Jesus

Growth Classes

Learn alongside our community how to become a more mature follower of Jesus in our world.


Find a small community in our church to experience life with regularly.


At Oceanhills

Step further into our community by volunteering with our team on Sundays.

In Santa Barbara

Through community partnerships, we are able to join in God’s work, praying for the Kingdom of heaven to come!