Compassion Mercy Justice

On A Mission To Love Our Neighbors Well, In The City of Santa Barbara


Making Lunches for The Turner Foundation Kids Camp

The Turner Foundation needs our help! We are making lunches for their Kids Camp and need volunteers to make lunches starting July 1st.

Date: July 1st – August 9th
Time: 8-8:45am, 11:45-12:30pm


Sponsor a Class at Immigrant Hope

​Immigrant Hope Santa Barbara opened its doors in 2012 providing English and Civics classes for adults who wanted to naturalize to become U.S. Citizens and in 2014 received recognition from the Department of Justice (DOJ) to provide legal representations to immigrants putting in applications with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

They need people to sponsor their current offerings! Bring snacks and pray for the students once a week. If this is something you’d be able to do, email below.


Compassion Corps

Be a part of an elite team of servants. People who are ready to serve as needed in our community. Helping those in need, when they need, how they need. That is our call – to be the literal hands and feet of Jesus.

Date: As needed
Time: As needed
Location: Varies